Hello Changemakers

Hi everyone, thanks for visiting our website. We are a group of passionate and professional individuals who care about politics!
While politics is a serious matter, you will less likely find strategic agendas or views towards one type of politics here. You might find us referencing some US politicians, organizations, or constitutions, but by no means do we agree with everything; we only aim to provide you with a wide resource of political information.
Expect to find insightful posts to help you learn more about the political system, learn about resources that will help you broaden your understanding of US politics, and just enjoy broadening your mind about the fascinating topic of politics!
Who is this blog for?
You don’t have to be a politician or someone with a PhD to read or engage in this blog; we craft our content to all abilities and backgrounds. Therefore if you’re young or just trying to know more about politics, then we are a great introduction to other resources around you.
On the contrary, if you have multiple politics related degrees and take up politics for a living, then this blog also relies on you to help us stay on track and write relevant news.
This blog is for everyone who wants to learn and deepen their political knowledge of the USA.
We strive all the time to stay away from biased content by having a range of writers on our team and also regular guest posts from others interested in these topics. After all, politics is vast; it can’t be narrated or analyzed from one point of view. Plus, we would hate it if you came to our site and ended up viewing our content and not finding it useful.
It’s our duty to serve your interests and create engaging content that’s valuable and helpful to your life. It’s for this reason if you don’t see anything of value on our blog or looks slightly biased, then reach out to us in the contact section.
We will happily devote our time to researching, citing, and composing credible content related to politics. This is a community-based blog, which means we won’t be able to exist if it isn’t for you. After all, politics helps shape our future.
Politics is not perfection
Politics is an essential part of our daily life; it connects us to others, communities, societies, nationalities, and countries around us. For as long as humans are alive, politics is an essential topic to be aware of. More people are being born into this world which means more people need to know their views and rights to help contribute.
We can’t let politics die out, which is why we regularly publish content to keep you engaged and help retain its greatness. But just cause we write about it does not mean we’re perfect at it. We all have our unique interpretations, experiences, and behaviors of politics that are entirely different from others.
This is why it needs to be shared so we can all reap a wealth of knowledge from the politics in the USA. It’s for this reason we’re all for collaboration as opposed to competition.
You can comment and share your insights around each topic on our blog, allowing us to grow more. We don’t endorse criticism, but we’re open to interpretation to craft content that interests you.
How can you better this blog?
This blog wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for you, and it won’t exist if you aren’t there to help us. We want your opinions, insights, guides, tutorials, videos, and more. We encourage you to put your spin on the politics in the USA and help write content for us.
Most importantly, we’re here to write content that’s engaging and biased. We’re proud of our diverse team of writers from different backgrounds, cultures, professions, and qualifications ready to serve you content that enriches your knowledge.